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What Do I “Do” After Learning My Human Design?

I once invited over 500 strangers across Reddit and other social media outlets to get a 15-minute Human Design reading. (P.S. I don't necessarily recommend this, but as a line 3, I like to learn by immersion and mistakes made). 

To this day, there is one question that I always get after readings: "what do I do with this information?"

I've also been encouraged by peers to give tangible steps or to-do lists because it's human nature to seek something to do.

Yet, only 9% of the population is mechanically designed to be doers (Manifestors).

The first door past becoming aware of Human Design tends to be deconditioning, which is impossible without accepting the human experience.

Letting Life be a Teacher

I used to think there was a mistake with my incarnation cross: Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love. In The Book of Destinies, Chetan Parkyn describes this incarnation cross as a living demonstration of love in all its forms of expression. Mm, instant repulsion. When I encountered Human Design, I was newly separated from my then-husband. I became a single mom in my late twenties. Narratives of being called "used up" or comments about my body being a "mom bod" often came up, especially when I was open to dating again. 

This was a time where it was difficult to love myself, let alone be a living demonstration of love to others.

How does one do love?

How does one become love?

Just the feeling of repulsion was an activation in my journey with deconditioning. No, you don't have to like your design or the experience for this to happen. I started feeling angry, bitter even. I know that culturally, women are expected to "snap back" after giving birth. Especially in the environments I've been in, there is fear that a woman would not be loved unless she was thin or beautiful.

I couldn't find just one primary source when I tugged on this conditioning to see where it came from. There was a tangle of media advertisements, toxic communities, generational trauma, fear of getting old, and much more.

I was further initiated when my then six-year-old son first asked me about calories. I was so stunned that he even knew that word… I realized that he overheard me talking about calories to someone else. Without intending to, I was beginning to condition my son into disordered eating, which I inherited from my mother.

Oh yes, conditioning can be generational and ancestral.

I began the work of getting therapy, getting energy work sessions, and allowing myself to be uncomfortable. 

Then, I began to find joy in eating. Not the type of joy where I've had a bad day and used food to escape, but the kind of joy of cooking a new dish. The kind of joy where I tie an apron around my son's waist and teach him how to scramble eggs. 

The joy of nourishing my body and my family's bodies with meals made with love.

Here, I experience a portal into living authentically as my design, within the vessel of love.

Fear of Doing Human Design Wrong

I've muted all Human Design social media accounts, save for a few mentors. I've been in a cult before and went to military school, so I'm pretty familiar with seeking approval from a hive mind. I've also witnessed budding Human Design content creators get torn down or publicly ridiculed due to supposed "misinformation" they were spreading.

During these moments, I turn back to my work with my ancestors. There is a culturally traditional way to venerate my ancestors, which I've had the blessing of being raised with. However, I am constantly reminded that I wouldn't exist if my ancestors knew everything. 

The bloodline would be complete.

It goes for the communities we're in, education systems, research, everything a human being could touch.

Suppose a brand of Human Design offers no space for questioning or experimentation, even mutation. Can it really be considered Human Design?

Sometimes, you have to enter something incorrect to learn what is right. Sometimes, correctness shifts, and what was once correct is no longer valid.

When I first learned I was a Projector waiting for an invitation, I thought I could bypass the invitations by telling my friends to invite me to everything or subscribing to newsletters of people I wanted to invite me to work with them. I realized that it could work, but for me, it felt incorrect. There are Projector teachers who still teach this, but just because it is correct for them does not mean it is correct for me

Now, I do whatever feels good in the moment and find that invitations have an uncanny way of pleasantly interrupting my flow to reveal another door.

Everyone enters the Human Design experience on their own terms, in their own way. 

And quite frankly, you don't have to make your journey anyone's business but your own.

Applying Human Design to Business

I'm not talking about BG5. I'm talking about the lifestyle business owner who makes content and wants to make a living being themselves. These are the types of people who have a personal brand and want to use Human Design to inform that brand. The question I'm often asked is, "How can I use this information to make more money in my business or make a business I really love?"

The art of accepting the cycles of correctness and wrongness applies here, too. So does the art of being human.

Human Design does not work in isolation. I recommend people to also get a reading from an astrologer because Human Design reveals how you do something, but astrology reveals who is doing it. Being alive is about being an expression of this combination. This works within business too. You need to understand the language of the material world, work your marketing through your strategy and authority, and let the world of business work in tandem with your Human Design experiment.

There is no easy plug-and-play route.

The Reveal

I know that this can be a frustrating answer because we often want changes, and we want it now. A peaceful surrender to the self isn't usually on the table until you are ready for it.

But, take a moment to zoom out.

Watch yourself as if you are in automation.

"Fiona, I love the way you articulate things," oh, there were so many years I've spent unlearning how to sound like others for you to enjoy how I sound. I sat down and just listened to myself in automation without judging the words I said or how I spoke (further deconditioning the ridicule of speaking with an accent). 

You genuinely enjoy work, but you force yourself to meditate twice a day and hate it? Maybe let yourself go and see what happens.

Reserve the judgment and let your design reveal itself through your eyes.