Taylor Swift + Travis Kelce Human Design Connection Chart

Let’s explore the connection (relationship chart) between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. In Human Design, connection charts can be seen as compatibility charts by taking type-based compatibility twenty steps further.

If you’d rather watch/listen to this reading, here’s the video 👇🏼 I do cuss a few times.

🎨 Update: I forgot to color in the emotional center in the video below but the images have been fixed on the post.

Since Travis Kelce doesn’t have an official time of birth, I had to rectify his chart by noting the consistencies that don’t change throughout his birth date. Then, I combined those elements with Taylor Swift’s chart.

I haven’t found software that would let me make incomplete Human Design charts, so I made (colored) it by hand.

  • Anything gold belongs to Travis Kelce.

  • Anything lavender belongs to Taylor Swift.

What’s inside their Human Design connection chart?

In this post, I’ll go over:

  • Electromagnetic channels: where each of them equally brings something to the table

  • Compromise channels: where one brings something to the table, but the other person brings everything

  • Dominance channels: one person brings everything while the other brings nothing

Travis and Taylor don’t have any friendship channels.

Travis + Taylor’s Electromagnetic channels

Wherever you see a channel that is half gold and half purple, it means Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift both bring something to the channel that makes them “equal.”

Below are their electromagnetic channels and what “each” of them brings to that channel.

Channel of Acceptance (17-62)

A love of sharing information and concepts after structuring them mentally.

  • 🎶 Taylor (17): can see patterns and attempts to put them together.

  • 🏈 Travis (62): puts the patterns and thoughts into words to be shared with others.

Channel of the Alpha (31-7)

Elected leaders of their communities. Mutual leadership and respect.

  • 🎶 Taylor (7): leads through shared interests with communities she’s a part of or accepted in.

  • 🏈 Travis (31): inspires communities with his self-confidence while allowing space and encouraging others to follow their personal journeys.

Channel of Awakening (20-10)

Expression of genuine self-love.

  • 🎶 Taylor (10): big “I’m that bitch” energy.

  • 🏈 Travis (20): lives in the present and lets go of the past.

Channel of the Prodigal (33-13)

Keeps mental records to share their stories with others.

  • 🎶 Taylor (13): deep listener who can create empathy and relatability through storytelling.

  • 🏈 Travis (33): teaches through storytelling but needs to retreat out of the spotlight to experience clarity.

Channel of Recognition (30-41)

Fantasy. Honeymoon phases.

  • 🎶 Taylor (30): leads through shared interests with communities she’s a part of or accepted in.

  • 🏈 Travis (41): inspires communities with his self-confidence while allowing space and encouraging others to follow their personal journeys.

A side note

Channels also have their own “types” (manifested, generated, or projected).

Every electromagnetic channel they have is projected, meaning they both have to recognize and invite the other person to the table. When they come together and these channels form, the public has to invite that co-created energy from them in order for them to be impactful.

Line 5 (Heretic)

👉🏼👉🏼 Both have line 5’s in their profiles. Both of them have line ‘5’ in their profiles, though we don’t know the exact profile. Line 5 people are natural leaders, yet people will abandon and trash them as quickly as they will worship them. Line 5 people constantly get projected upon. It’s rare for someone to see them for who they are. People project what they want/need to see onto them and retaliate when it’s not what they expected.

Line 5 is important to the way they are perceived as leaders, especially with how many channels they have revolving around leadership. They’re born to lead, but it doesn’t mean people will like or want it.

Electromagnetic dynamic

Based on these channels, Travis plays a more supportive role. His gates come off mellow, while Taylor has more spotlight power. He’s also a great sounding board for her while she is able to magnify his capacity as a leader. This is an A+ marketing couple, and PR has caught onto that.

I don’t know much about Travis Kelce. NFL subreddits agree that he’s one of the best tight ends right now. Personality-wise, it is either “he’s a dick, cringe, and cheats on all his girlfriends” or “all hail this hilarious and warmhearted soul.” This extreme is a textbook perception for line 5’s.

Something they need to look out for is that last channel I talked about. The one about living in a fantasy, the big honeymoon energy. This channel can bring disappointment when the high is gone, and the fantasy isn’t met. This channel is tied to the center of adrenaline (root), which isn’t a sustainable* source of energy. It bursts and dies as quickly as it came on. The next step is questioning whether or not to continue after the burst.

*This means operating out of adrenaline isn’t sustainable, not that the relationship isn’t sustainable.

Travis + Taylor’s Compromise channels

Think of a time when you had to live with or work together with someone who is an expert in their field or comes off as a “know-it-all.”

However, you also have something to bring to the table. But in a relationship, it’s not about who has more or who is better. Relationships include compromise.

Let’s explore their compromise channels.

You’ll see a name in parentheses. That is the person who “knows better” and brings the whole meal to the table while the other person brings “part” of the meal.

Channel of Surrender (26-44)

  • 🎶 Taylor (whole channel): business savvy with instinctual and intuitive understanding to support contractual agreements.

  • 🏈 Travis (44): senses upcoming trends before they become trends.

Channel of Struggle (28-38)

  • 🎶 Taylor (whole channel): learns within the realm of struggling- what is worth fighting for and what is struggling for the sake of struggling?

  • 🏈 Travis (38): challenges what he doesn’t believe in because of his integrity.

Compromise dynamic

The channel of surrender includes the defined ego center. People with defined ego centers (materialism, marketing, money) don’t fuck around when it comes to contracts and their money. You can see it in how she handled the ownership of her masters.

What Travis brings to this channel is the ability to see what can be sold before it exists. Did this take part in his media frenzy relationship with Taylor? We’ll never know.

In Midnights, Taylor said, “He wanted it comfortable; I wanted that pain,” which sums up her approach to her relationships and her art. There’s a masochistic side.

Travis’s contribution is different. He fights when he perceives that something he cares about or represents is compromised. It’s based on his sense of integrity and a need to stand up for himself or the communities he’s a part of.

Travis is the student in this dynamic. He knows how to see trends, but Taylor can see trends and turn those trends into opportunities. He is willing to fight and challenge, but Taylor can fight and persist in long-term struggles. You know how there are those people who “can’t let things go?” That’s Taylor.

Travis + Taylor’s Dominance channels

These are fun because compromise talks about how one person brings “the whole meal” while the other person “brings a dish.” Now we’re working with one person bringing “the whole meal” while the other person brings nothing.

This means that the person who is bringing “the whole meal” has an opportunity to experience how the energy of a channel shifts when another person is in the picture. The person bringing “nothing” has an opportunity to learn what that energy is about. It helps each person experience a different perspective.

In the parenthesis is the name of the person who has that dominance channel.

Channel of Awareness (61-24) (Travis Kelce)

Quiet. Silence brings awareness. Experiences satori. Ability to take something unknown, untouched, and unseen and make it tangible.

Channel of Judgment (18-58) (Taylor Swift)

Things have to be done in her way. For example, if she doesn’t like her food to touch, she’ll be upset the whole time she’s eating if her food touches.

Dominance dynamic

Travis Kelce needs solitude. He can get exhausted, frazzled, and come off unhinged if he keeps himself in the spotlight for too long. He may even need people to tell him what to do because his mental capacity is tapped out.

Taylor Swift’s most recent ex, Joe Alwyn, was notorious for being private and not wanting to share the details of their relationship. Travis is more in the limelight, but the dominant channel of awareness suggests that Taylor needs someone who can reel her back in when the struggle (see compromise channels) isn’t worth it anymore. His lesson for her is how seclusion and quiet can be beneficial to her process and to put her ideas into structure.

Travis is the student when it comes to the channel of judgment. Taylor is meticulous and needs things done a certain way. People with this channel deal with others calling them “stuck up” or armchair diagnosing them as “OCD.” This channel doesn’t release projects until it’s good enough (things are never “perfect” for the channel of judgment).

There’s no need to criticize people with this channel because they do it enough on their own.


Bonnie Parker + Clyde Barrow’s Human Design Types and Connection Chart


Exploring Relationship Compatibility Through Human Design