Generate your Human Design chart 👇🏼

Get a custom breakdown of your chart, including what those shapes, colors, arrows, and numbers mean!

After you generate your chart, you’ll see a green “buy now” button for an illustrated expanded PDF of your Human Design chart.

The PDF is at least 40 pages, breaking down each part of your Human Design.

Inside your custom PDF, you’ll learn 👇🏼

  • How your aura impacts your day-to-day life and decisions (type, strategy, and authority.)

  • Your life’s purpose (profile and incarnation cross.)

  • The consistent tools you were born with (defined centers.)

  • And the ones you borrow from other people (undefined centers.)

You’ll also look at:

  • The characteristics and traits you are known for (gates.)

  • The type of people, situations, and environments you’re attracted to (also gates.)

  • The way you take actions (channels.)

  • How and where your body wants to be nourished, what motivates you, and how you see the world (the arrows).

✨Custom charts are currently $15. You see all those shapes, colors, and numbers all over the chart? They are ALL included.

Scroll back up and click the green “Buy Now” button. You will get a copy of your complete chart PDF in your email within minutes.

Hi, I’m Fiona. I wrote every word in the chart generator and the custom PDF 🙏🏼

Type, strategy, and authority are the foundations of every Human Design chart. Yes, they’re important (I’m obligated to say this as a professional reader,) but the fun stuff is hidden away.

When I first encountered Human Design, I wasn’t impressed. It told me people had to invite me into their lives for me to be successful. This went against my ambitious nature. I also learned I wasn’t meant for the fast-paced life even though I loved “the grind.”

The reasons why I identified as ambitious and an enjoyer of “the grind,” were spelled clearly in my chart. I was just too busy staring at my foundations.

You’re likely doing the same.

I hope that this chart generator and expanded PDF give you a deeper look beyond your type. I want you to read about your life’s purpose. I want you to know what your motivations are. I also want you to know the small, often conflicting, traits that build you into the complex being you are.

And I want you to have these things in an accessible way. Everyone deserves to look themself in the mirror and say, “Yeah, you’re awesome. I love you. You’re nuts. But that’s what makes us great.”

I don’t promise Human Design will change your life and make your wildest dreams come true. But I’ll show you, through my PDF, how to use Human Design as you walk toward your wildest dreams. Scroll back up to grab your copy.

When you see your chart, sit with it. Cry. Laugh. Throw it away. Fish it back out of the trash. It’s yours. This is what you were born with. ☺️


All the love,

P.S. If you have any questions or want to say hi, email me at

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