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What is a Reflector in Human Design

The rare Reflector. The only lunar type. The one that the rest of us can never lie to.

Reflectors are incredible channels and guides. They take us in, sample bits and pieces, and know exactly who we are or what they need.

They are human medicine.

What makes someone a Reflector type in Human Design?

Your chart has nine shapes called centers. Each center is either colored in or white.

  • Colored in: Defined.

  • Not colored in: Undefined.

Reflectors have all undefined centers.

People with undefined centers are prone to conditioning in those centers because they cannot generate their own energies to experience that center for themselves. Because of this, Reflectors are designed to mirror the other person and to reflect their environment. There is nothing bad about Reflectors. Undefined centers can mirror, sieve, and absorb the other person’s energy to be dissected by the Reflector. It can be an intense experience.

If you want to know yourself and be seen in the truth of who you are, speak to a Reflector. They make up 1% of the population so it may take a moment to find one!

See the image below for an example of the Reflector chart.

Why are Reflectors designed to wait for a lunar cycle?

Human beings are complex but the way Reflectors see them is unique. They take in the whole person, but it isn’t an instant download of information. They taste test. They sample bit by bit, gaining detailed information on every part of that person. The more time the Reflector spends with the person or community, the more they know, hence why they wait lunar cycles.

Reflectors are well-protected because they have an aura that is like a bunch of bubbles that traps energies until the Reflector want to work with it. They can explore it in the safety of the bubble and return to sender when they are done with it. Reflectors can take lessons, but like all types, take the other person’s energies.

See below for a crude image of a Reflector’s aura.

I’ve met Reflectors who hate the concept of waiting for a lunary cycle because we live in a fast-paced world. This primarily focuses on working with other people because we only absorb other people—not situations. The exception is situations that involve other people, such as being invited to move back in with family, getting into a relationship, or taking on a client.

When a Reflector is dating, they will want to talk to the person for an extended period of time before committing. If they take on a new job, they will likely take a job from someone they are familiar with.

However, if a Reflector is proposed to, they are probably not taken aback, though they may be pleasantly surprised, which is their signature. If the Reflector has thought about marrying this person already, they don’t need to say, “Let me wait a lunar cycle first!” If they’ve already thought or dreamed about it over a lunar cycle, they know the answer.).

Reflectors are susceptible to seeking outside identity.

The young Reflector (prior to age 30/their Saturn return) is prone to wanting some sort of solid identity. Imagine the teenage Reflector, likely one of the only Reflectors in their school. All of their peers start to form cliques and develop a basis for their identity. Where does the Reflector belong?

There is nothing wrong with trying on another person's identity, but the Reflector MUST understand that they are not that person. It’s easy to meet a nice person, and the Reflector wants to imitate that, but it will not be sustainable. The Reflector needs to learn how they, themselves, are expressed. They shift depending on who they’re around, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean they lack an identity. It means that they can “fit in” anywhere, though if they don’t, it usually means that place is unhealthy for the Reflector OR that it’s not the right place at this time.

There’s Human Design backing to this. A Reflector’s chart will have a temporary definition, absorbing the other person's definition. They step into that person’s shoes. There is much to learn through that experience.

🪴 Fun fact: Plants, animals, insects, etc., also have designs! This makes the Reflector finely tuned to those things because they can also absorb and feel the designs of those creatures.

Reflectors make incredible guides.

Who can make a better guide than the person who knows you best? Every type can be a guide, but the Reflector is the only one who understands what it means to be another type.

Since they are completely undefined, they temporarily absorb the other person’s type.

When the intensity of the Reflector is accepted, it is life-changing. They can tell you who you are and read the room with precision. Being open to a Reflector can change how something or someone operates.

Where and how a Reflector chooses a home.

I’ve repeatedly talked about how sensitive Reflectors are to other people and their environments, which is why they need to be okay with where and with whom they live.

📌 Note: Everyone, regardless of type, has an Environment they’re designed for. If you’re curious about the specifics of yours, grab my 40+ page PDF for an explanation (plus the rest of your chart!). It’s 110% customized to your chart.

If the Reflector grew up in an emotionally intense household, they are conditioned from an early age that this is what a home looks like. They need to take time to decondition from that. They likely grew up reflecting this environment so if the parents constantly fought, the Reflector will also fight at home- or they will feel disappointed and lock themselves away to disconnect from those auras.

Above all types, Reflectors must be picky about roommates and living environments. If they prefer nature and the auras of wild animals, that’s something to consider. If they like the hustle of constantly shuffling auras in a busy city, that works, too.

Being in a relationship with a Reflector.

If you’re reading this because you’re in a partnership or relationship with a Reflector, here are a few things you should know:

  • They have likely been in a relationship with someone who they may identify as a narcissist. Reflectors are prone to people who are attracted to themselves, and they love seeing themselves in the Reflector. This makes for a controlling relationship.

  • Get ready for honesty; please, don’t punish them. If you love them, you must also love them by design.

  • While not all Reflectors want children, they are great with children because they can tap into their needs. But don’t be surprised if they care for children or are around countless animals and plants. They also make incredible babysitters.

  • If possible, fill your home with plants!

  • Never force or rush them to a decision.

Sleeping habits for a Reflector.

Traditional Human Design suggests that Reflectors should sleep alone to detach from other people’s energies from their daily interactions. They should also sleep well before they are tired because, unlike the Generators, they are not designed to be exhausted and collapse. If they feel overstimulated or constantly in a state of disappointment, they should try sleeping alone to discharge other people’s conditioning completely. This can be a remedy if they do not feel rested when sleeping beside a partner. It doesn’t have to be forever, just as medicine.

Auras extend 6 feet (1.8 meters) in all directions. As long as there is that distance’s worth of disconnect, deconditioning is happening.

Check out the rest of your chart

The Reflector type is just one part of your chart. You can use my Human Design chart calculator to get the rest. I also offer the expanded PDF version that covers everything you see (and what you don’t) in a 40+ page PDF specific to your chart.