Taylor Swift’s Human Design Chart Reading

This Taylor Swift’s Human Design post was originally published when her Midnights album was released, and I am revisiting it for The Tortured Poets Department.

If you’ve never read one of my celebrity chart readings, note that my job is to read a Human Design chart, not to offer judgment on the person I am reading about. Some of the figures are canceled, controversial, or questionable- just like the human beings we meet on a daily basis.

⚠️ Taylor Swift’s birth time is NOT confirmed. Jill Parker wrote about Taylor Swift, stating her birth time to be 5:17 a.m., but Taylor or her family never confirmed this birth time. I used 5:17 a.m. for the sake of this reading, and so do most astrologers and Human Design readers.

However, I want to note that Taylor Swift’s chart changes if she was born at:

  • 5:05 am: there would be no “channel of struggle.”

  • 9:23 am: she would be a 5/2 profile.

  • 12:26 pm: she would be an emotional authority.

  • 12:49 pm: she would be an emotional Manifestor.

When I say “people” in this post, I refer to Redditors. Due to the culture of Reddit, I’m wary of posting direct screenshots, but you’re more than welcome to scour r/SwiftlyNeutral, as I find this is the most balanced community.

In this post, we explore her:

  • Projector type

  • Projected Channels

  • Channel of Judgment

  • Undefined throat center

  • Channel of Struggle

  • Undefined G center

  • 5/1 profile

  • Left Angle Cross of Confrontation

This post assumes Jill Parker did her homework and Taylor Swift was born at 5:17 am.

Taylor's Swift chart only has three defined centers: heart (the ego), splenic (existential awareness), and root (adrenaline pressure). 

Taylor Swift is (likely) a Projector:
“Midnights become my afternoons.”

Projectors have an absorbing, piercing, and penetrative aura. When her artistry is not recognized, interacting with her or her creations can be abrasive.

When Projectors are unwelcome, it’s like they’re chasing you with a scalpal. LET ME PERFORM SURGERY ON YOU!! Terrifying, right?

Since her splenic authority is tied to two motor centers: the heart and the root.

She won't relate to the notion that Projectors need extra rest.

But the root center runs on adrenaline, and the heart center runs on willpower. 

Can you imagine spending your day hyped on adrenaline and sheer willpower while your splenic center tells you instantaneous messages?

💽 Update: The burnout happened, as stated in her Time Magazine interview:

The ‘Shake It Off’ singer, 33, has been on her record-breaking ‘Eras Tour’ and opened up about the impact on her body in an interview with TIME magazine, the issue that named her its Person of the Year.

She said: “I do not leave my bed except to get food and take it back to my bed and eat it there.

“I can barely speak because I’ve been singing for three shows straight.

“Every time I take a step my feet go crunch, crunch, crunch from dancing in heels.”

When the splenic center says, "Drop everything and rest,” listen.

The splenic center is tied to survival and health. It cares about keeping you alive moment to moment. When it feels burnout, it says, “You’re going to die if you keep doing this.”

Projectors are said to take longer to bounce back in relation to their Generator, Manifesting Generator, and Manifestor counterparts.

I’d argue that they feel their exhaustion differently. Tired Projectors become resentful and bitter, whereas Generators get frustrated and Manifestors stew in anger.

Channel of Judgment: “Hi, it’s me. I’m the problem; it’s me.”

Taylor Swift can be seen as a perfectionist, though she has been criticized for her albums getting sloppier.

From the outside, channel of judgment people come off as nitpicky. They can be difficult to live with and often accused of being a control freak.

For example, they may believe their way of using a dishwasher is the best and get upset if others don’t. They may also argue about whether toothpaste should be squeezed bottom up or in the middle.

These things can seem small to the layman but irritate the channel of judgment.

No one is wrong or right in this situation. It’s all perspective that this channel can’t make sense of.

When it comes to working, this can be a hindrance or appreciated. Taylor Swift can comb over every musical note, every word, and every harmonic shift before she releases something into the world. The catch is that the channel of judgment is a projected channel. Taylor Swift must be invited to share her thoughts, or it gets glossed over. 

Undefined throat center: “You say, "I don't understand, " and I say, "I know you don't”

Despite being a singer-songwriter, Taylor Swift is not designed to speak unless recognized and invited to. Regardless of type, undefined throat centers aren’t heard unless someone invites their input.

Yep, this woman is as Projector as it gets.

She needs the invitation to request a change, to be heard, and to speak.

If she doesn’t, people don’t understand.

When people aren’t heard, they can bottle it up, which is a warning that comes with the undefined emotional center. They can be explosive. Others can see them as unhinged or dramatic.

In Taylor’s chart, we’re seeing someone who may not have verbal outlets (we don’t know) to deal with the undefined emotional center. Think of the pent up undefined emotional center as a shaken coke bottle versus the tended undefined emotional center releasing the fizz once in a while.

But the undefined throat center is awesome because these people can fit their voice and verbiage to match what the other person’s language. For example, I’ve worked with a therapist who was able to get difficult clients to open up because she was able to “get on their level.” No wonder Taylor Swift has a wide range of audience.

Channel of Struggle: "He wanted it comfortable; I wanted that pain."

Taylor Swift also has the channel of struggle (28-38). She finds wisdom and fulfilling experiences through struggling. Still, she needs to have the right invitations to struggle. The channel of struggle is also a projected channel.

Since this channel connects the splenic center to the root center, Taylor Swift may experience a buzz of energy while she's experiencing struggle. She could find herself pacing around her home like she had taken too many espresso shots.

Struggling isn't necessarily unpleasant, though pain can bleed into that territory. Her struggles inspire her music. It’s part of her songwriting.

Undefined G Center: “Find out just what you want. Be that girl for a month.”

The G center is the center of love, identity, and direction. Those with an undefined G center absorb those lessons from others. Unfortunately, the best slideshows of this are all on Reddit. Some examples include Taylor Swift’s 50s look when she began dating a Kennedy and how she adopted a more mature, chic look to match Jake Gyllenhaal's age.

She is conditioned by other people's identities, leaving her feeling like she doesn't know who she is. With clients, I hear this complaint mainly from those under the age of 50.

Channel of Surrender: “What if I told you that none of it was accidental.”

This channel is chaotic. It brims with trickster, mercurial energy like a child playing a joke on everyone around her.

Taylor Swift is known for hiding easter eggs in her music, using color symbolism, referencing women in history, and emphasizing numerology.

Some say she queer codes her music with her lyricism: "sapphire eyes" (sapphic eyes?), "the lips I used to call home, so scarlet; it was maroon" (lipstick?) while she’s accused of queerbaiting as a marketing tactic. More on that when we explore her incarnation cross. 

She is also notorious for writing autobiographical songs based on her past relationships. Fans have loved figuring out which song is about which man.

Taylor Swift is a 5/1 profile. These people are reclusive homebodies but worry about what they can do to serve others when they're at home. People put projections on what she may be up to. They guess what kind of music she’s putting out next and who it’s about.

When people are wrong, they go from worshipping her to rejecting her. It can feel like a personal attack.

Taylor needs a safe space where brick by brick is secure. Otherwise, she can’t function. Anyone with a ‘1’ in their profile needs to feel secure in what they know and where they are. Some have speculated that her private jet use is because she would rather go home than stay in a hotel.

5/1 people are also prone to manipulation (per traditional Human Design), which lives in the same house as marketing. What’s the difference? Both are in the realm of convincing.

My final note on 5/1 people is that they can’t meet expectations. The better they are and the more they serve others, the higher and more impossible the standards. They must learn when to step away or what doesn’t require their attention, which authority helps with.

They must also be wary of whether someone invited them into their life or if they invited an idea of them.

Left Angle Cross of Confrontation: "Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism like some kind of congressman?”

Her left angle cross of confrontation (25/45 | 6/36) is in the fourth quarter.

Left-angle crosses don't incarnate for themselves - they wear the life theme of helping others close their karmic doors. While she's working through the bumps and bruises in her life, her true theme is helping others reconcile their expired cycles.

There's a natural manipulativeness to this incarnation cross.

To use an analogy, this cross is the child who is told she isn't allowed to have a toy pony. She knows that her mother responds to tears, so she starts to cry, manipulating her mother to buy the pony anyway. 

This is one-way confrontation can manifest.

Note: If you take offense to the term manipulation, know there are so many words in the English language. If a term is uncomfortable, allow yourself to sit with it and allow it to serve as a guide.

Taylor has been repeatedly (understandingly) accused of exploiting her romantic relationships to make music. She takes shots at her exes, going as far as making a ten-minute short film about her relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal a decade after their breakup. She even gathered a group of female friends focused on tearing down Katy Perry and releasing her whole discography on Katy Perry’s album drop.

These are all ways Taylor explores the theme of confrontation.

Taylor’s variant of the cross of confrontation is about the ferryman. It's not about where it all started or how we got here. The arc of Taylor Swift's life is about endings—not what comes after, just the ending.

Kinda makes sense why she enjoys writing autobiographically.

There are no answers here.

Only reconciliation and reflections through an open-ended question. 

And that’s the reading.


What is a Generator in Human Design?


The 1/3 Human Design Investigator Martyr