Webinar Replays for Emerging Human Design Readers

Optional preparation:

Get a copy of your Human Design chart and scroll down to find your incarnation cross.

Your Purpose, by Design:
How your life’s purpose helps you as a service provider

Presented May 2024

NOTE: There is a typo in the “quarters” section. Gate 1 should be “quarter 4.”

Mentioned: Book of Destinies by Chetan Parkyn (affiliate link)

Human Design Dialogues: https://courses.thewildpixel.com/courses/human-design-dialogues-summer-2024

Questions I didn’t get to in the webinar:

Webinar for Aspiring Human Design Readers

presented by Fiona Wong of thewildpixel.com

this webinar is from december 16th 2023

✏️ Assets for the Webinar

For this webinar, you need a copy of a simple Human Design reference PDF, provided in the button below.

0:00 Pre-Webinar

  • Preparation and technical checks for the webinar.

0:05 Introduction and Welcome

  • Fiona Wong introduces herself and discusses her 5-year experience with The Wild Pixel and learning Human Design.

2:18 The Basics of Human Design

  • Importance of understanding human design type as the foundation.

  • Analogy explaining human design as an innate aspect of being.

  • Human design charts as blueprints for inner design and potential.

  • The role of human design readings in self-understanding and growth.

7:39 Impostor Syndrome in Human Design Readings

  • Addressing impostor syndrome.

  • Emphasis on personalized client readings.

  • Overcoming impostor syndrome.

13:55 Human Design Chart Reading and Interpretation

  • Importance of honesty in chart readings.

  • Concept of "layering" in reading energy, starting with identifying generator type.

  • Simulated reading demonstration for a generator client.

  • Use of type and authority in identifying root issues.

21:14 Personal Growth and Self-Awareness

  • Insights from a human design chart analysis.

  • Encouragement for participants to explore their own focus areas.

23:59 Human Design and Profiles

  • Discussion on different profile lines.

  • Emphasis on finding and deepening interests in human design.

29:14 Human Design and Chart Reading

  • Encouragement to tie passions to chart reading.

  • Plan to demonstrate a celebrity chart reading.

  • Book recommendations for human design studies.

33:27 Human Design, Life Purpose, and Regenerating Energy

  • Book recommendations for professional readers.

  • Explanation of regenerating energy in generators.

38:51 Human Design Chart Analysis and Software Usage

  • Preparation for a reading session using software for professional clients.

42:04 Intuitive Readings and Personal Growth

  • Guidance on intuitive readings focusing on projector archetype and splenic authority.

  • Emphasis on prioritizing intuition in decision-making.

48:47 Intuitive and Calculative Reading Styles

  • Differentiating between intuitive and calculative reading approaches.

  • Encouragement to embrace unique reading styles.

54:53 Human Design and its Applications

  • Explanation of Incarnation cross in human design.

  • Book recommendations for human design.

  • Advice on addressing deep or unknown questions in readings.

  • Announcement of a group program for aspiring Human Design readers.

1:00:25 Human Design and Personal Growth

  • Personal reflections on open spleen center in Human Design.

  • Discussion on the G center and identity.

00:01 Introduction and Webinar Overview

  • Fiona Wong introduces the webinar and outlines the focus on general questions about human design readings.

00:29 Best Sources of Human Design Information

  • Discussion on original definitive books vs. newer materials in Human Design.

04:02 Recommended Textbooks for Reference in Human Design

  • Fiona shares her favorite textbooks for reference and their significance.

07:46 Readings for Similar Types: Benefits and Considerations

  • Insights on whether it's beneficial to specialize in readings for similar types.

09:09 Handling Questions Beyond Your Knowledge in Readings

  • Strategies for dealing with questions that are either unknown or too complex.

14:24 Integrating Other Practices into Human Design Readings

  • How to incorporate various practices like energy work into Human Design readings.

23:11 Balancing Type and Authority in Human Design Readings

  • Discussing the emphasis on authority and types in readings and personal approaches.

28:53 Pricing Strategies for Human Design Readings for Beginners

  • Tips on determining charges for readings, especially when starting out.

36:24 Exploring Alternative Paths to Becoming a Human Design Reader

  • Addressing the need for certification and exploring different paths in becoming a reader.

40:21 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Embracing Individuality

  • Discussion on imposter syndrome and encouraging individual approaches in readings.

disclaimer: some of these resources are affiliate links

Human Design Dialogues, a 14-week group program for emerging Human Design readers, is now enrolling!

Enrollment ends June 14th or when seats are filled.

Human Design Dialogues is for you if 👇🏼

  • You currently offer a service and want to incorporate Human Design readings into your suite.

  • You have or want to start a Human Design business.

  • You're already doing readings, but you want to get over that imposter syndrome and add more to your understanding of Human Design.

  • You want a community. The industry can be isolating.

  • You want to do Human Design readings.

If you're any of the above and your authority is giving you the yes/let's learn more, this is what you're looking for.

🌕 🌊 Lunar + Emotional Authorities, if you need that extra time, take it.