The G Center: Reconciling Identity

In the middle of your Human Design chart, there is a diamond center known as “the G center.” This is the center of love, identity and direction.

Centers are usually categorized by their type. They are:

  • Motor: sacral, root, heart, solar plexus

  • Awareness: splenic, ajna, solar plexus

Then you have the throat center (a post for another day) and the G center (who you are).

Today’s post will cover what the G center is, how it relates to Human Design and how it plays out in your day to day life.

What is the G Center?

Your G center could be defined (colored in) or undefined (not colored in). 

The G center is a magnet that only attracts (also known as the magnetic monopole). 

There are also ideas with the idea of manifestation here. Manifestation believes that everything that we are meant to receive is already out there, but we are not necessarily ready to have it. More on this in the divine timing section of this post.

The G center is a pull that you get to follow (or not) through your strategy and authority. There are no “missed opportunities” – there are alternative routes and doors based on what you’re ready for (or not).

👓️ Nerdy Human Design stuff: Before you were born, your magnetic monopole hung out with the design crystal. Upon incarnation, they separate. The monopole goes to the G center while the design crystal goes to the ajna center (an awareness center). 

This is how Human Design explains the compulsion for human beings to look outside of themselves (through the ajna center) for answers about direction and love, even though they are really something experienced through the G center.

The G Center and Divine Timing

One of the big questions when it comes to Human Design is, “What do I do with this information?” It can feel like a struggle to work with Human Design because not every center is something you are aware of. 

The G center answers the question of am I headed in the right direction in life?

Divine timing plays a huge role in answering this question. All of us can look back in life and think, “if I knew then what I know now, it would’ve played out differently.” The G center is a pull that directs you to where you’re headed next in your journey, but not necessarily to the end goal right away.

A personal example is right before I decided to write about Human Design. Originally, I was a virtual assistant for several years. Being a virtual assistant taught me the administrative and technical skills that helped me start my own business from the ground up. 

I also learned that I could make money from my passion (writing), so I started taking courses in copywriting. I was prepared to start a copywriting business when I did a few Human Design readings (just for fun) for a few peers. 

They encouraged me to pivot into Human Design. As a Projector, recognition and invitations play into my “right” direction in life. Always prepared to fail (it’s the 3/5 profile in me), I told myself I should test this out for 3 months and see how I feel.

Spoiler: this was nearly three years ago and I haven’t stopped since then. 

Let’s break this down through the lens of divine timing:

  • If I never had my first child, I would have never explored freelancing.

  • If I never freelanced, I would have never figured out what virtual assistance was.

  • If I never became a virtual assistant, I would’ve struggled to learn the technical and marketing aspects of running a business.

  • If I never became a virtual assistant, I would’ve struggled to learn how to delegate and hire a team, especially how to communicate with them.

  • If I never explored copywriting, I would have never joined the mastermind that led me to experimenting with a Human Design business. (I laughed when this was suggested because I enjoyed Human Design, but never considered doing it professionally). 

One path led to another and who knows, maybe this Human Design business is leading me to something else. 

Again, the G center is not an awareness center so the journey just happens – often without us realizing it. 

Deconditioning the G Center

With how intimately tied the G center is to identity, deconditioning will primarily be around who you are as a part of the whole, but also who you are as the individual

The process of deconditioning includes narratives, criticisms and identities that may not necessarily work for you anymore.

Identity is complex. It is tied to cultural background, ethnicity, religion, familial traditions (or lack of), gender identity, even sexual orientation. Marginalized groups will often find that the deconditioning process intersects with trauma and making decisions that may be seen as betraying a community you’ve been a part of. 


  • Being pressured to pursue a profession with a guaranteed large paycheck, especially when your parents have risked their lives to immigrate.

  • Feeling like you’re a sell-out because you came from a “poverty proud” background, yet you’re starting to make money.

  • Experiencing abuse or harm tied to your identities.

I want to be clear that this isn’t a message to “love yourself” and “embrace who you are,” especially if you live in a circumstance where you will experience persecution for doing so. 

Even if the timing or circumstances are not viable to be shared with the world or loved ones, remember that you are made in the image of your ancestors or God(s). There is no need to rush the journey or get to the end point of self-acceptance. Your strategy and authority, combined with your monopole, will reveal doors.

Ra Uru Hu, the person who “channeled” the Human Design system, believed that alcohol use distorts identity. It’s also worth mentioning that Ra was known to indulge, too, so while he said it, he didn’t necessarily live it.

For further exploration and support for working through sobriety alongside making space for identity to develop, I highly recommend the resources through Sober Voices.

The Defined G Center

People with a defined G center have a fixed sense of identity. When a center is defined, there is consistent access to that type of energy so the gates that are within that center can always be felt.

This does not mean that they always “know” who they are. Remember, the G center is not an awareness center. It’s something experienced and “just is.” 

A fixed identity also does not mean that you are not subject to shifts and change through natural life experience. Maybe you’ve always been “stubborn”,  but that flavor of stubbornness evolves over time. You stubbornly refused to clean the bathrooms as a part of your chores as a child. You stubbornly refuse to work overtime without extra pay as an adult. 

For a glimpse into how your gates inform your G center, check out this booklet.

The Undefined G Center

The difference between the defined G center and the undefined G center is that the undefined G center does not have consistent access to this energy. 

While you may have gates that are “circled” on your chart, when you do not have the center defined (colored in), you may not always experience those specific gates.

This is what it may look similar to:

(Image generated with myBodygraph)

People with an undefined G center may feel like they are a “chameleon” because when they are around other people with a defined G center, they can be conditioned by them. When they are no longer around that person, they may feel different

This also creates a sense of empathy for others. With an open identity, they are able to step into the shoes of others and understand them on a deeper level because they have experienced a piece of who they are. They can move from circle to circle without needing to identify with any of them for a definite amount of time. 

Strategy and authority will guide the undefined G center to the right people. 

The undefined G center does not always feel the pull that the defined G center does. However, they may bump into the defined G center which will then pull them in the right direction.

Self-Projected Projectors

This authority is tied to the G center. 

There is a direct connection from the G center to your throat center so instead of waiting for your strategy and authority, they might take off and follow the tug. 

Self-projected projectors often try to diminish how quickly they can move because they believe a projector must wait a longer period of time to be truly following their strategy of waiting for an invitation. 

Instead, they’ll often feel a pull towards a certain direction and the invitations naturally follow, as long as you are not forcing yourself.

Considerations for the G center:

  • When you feel a pull, do you immediately follow it or do you tend to wait and see if it changes? Has it worked out better for you to follow or wait?

  • Have you experienced a pull, but then a strong resistance from your strategy and authority? What happened next?

  • Knowing that the G center and sense of direction is rooted in love and identity, how strongly do you currently trust your direction?

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