Library of Archives.

Here are previous webinars, workshops, and creations, stored here for you to browse on your timing.

I hold sporadic live events. If you'd like invitations to join upcoming events, join my newsletter.

Deconditioning Fear

learn how you are affected by your Human Design fear chart

Each person is born with an inherent set of fears to work with (rather than get over) which is found in your Human Design chart. This replay also explores the burdens of fears we are carrying from other person.



The Human Design chart represents the body. Outside the body are four arrows. One of them determines your Environment. This replay explains what it means in terms of supporting your body.

Purpose by Design

explore how your life’s purpose is explained through Human Design

One aspect of your Human Design chart includes your incarnation cross which explains part of your life's role and purpose. This replay walks you through how to decipher a key part of your purpose.

Emerging Readers

specifically for the next generation of Human Design readers

This replay introduces reading Human Design charts as an art form, beyond parroting information found in textbooks. It also touches on the impact of imposter syndrome and how to navigate it.

Each Human Design Type

Explains the aura, strategy (and why), being in a relationship, raising children, work, and matching authority.

Love & Relationships

The reason we decondition as a “step 1” in Human Design is because we have been connected to other people from birth. These blog posts explore how two people in a relationship can impact each other and what happens when those people separate. It answers the question of why we feel different with and without certain people.

For Human Design Readers

No two people read or interact with Human Design the same way. A passion I have is sharing what I know with other readers to act as a stepping stone for their contributions to the system and how they are designed to impact their audience.